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web hosting directory, hosting review, web site promotion, seo tools, web hosting service, free hosting sites, webmaster software, web scripts, free stuff, freebies, webmaster tools, web design tools and services, web templates, domain name tools, other useful resources

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Disclaimer: CO.NR provides free domain names like that are free subdomains of free web domain name. CO.NR is no way a ccTLD registry for .NR domain names, but a web project that povides free domains that look like real paid domain names on "as is" and "as available" basis. CO.NR domain name free account includes free URL redirection with path forwarding and URL cloaking to redirect a free domain name to an existing web site. No any free DNS support is provided for CO.NR domain name free accounts and we don't plan to provide free domain name with DNS support in future, but just a free domain name forwarding service